5 Simple Techniques For ceracare review

Looking for a supplement that might help stabilize blood sugar levels? You prefer all-natural products to prescription drugs. Although we recommend that patients listen to their doctors, it is okay to take preventative actions. In this case, seeking additional support in order to maintain blood sugar levels has become quite common in today's society.

Cera Care, a particular supplement, stands out in the crowd. It is unique because it uses all-natural ingredients. It is made from all-natural ingredients and is scientifically proven to be safe. Want to learn more? The following review has been written to disclose everything there is to know regarding Cera Care.

How can healthier blood sugar levels make a difference in your life? High blood sugar affects millions of people all over the globe. High blood sugar is more common in overweight or type 2 diabetic people. However, any person can get high blood sugar, regardless of their gender. Some may think blood sugar issues are insignificant. Untreated blood sugar imbalances can lead to serious health problems. In fact, high blood sugar can lead to diabetic shock, problems in the brain and heart, and even death.

Let's start by explaining why traditional medical treatment is important for serious blood sugar problems. If you or a loved one currently suffers from high blood sugar, it is imperative that you speak to your physician immediately. You can effectively treat high blood sugar with traditional medical treatment. If you have had difficulty with side effects of blood sugar medication or spoken to your doctor, you may want to consider other options, such as the Ceracare advanced blood glucose support formula.

Because of the complications associated with traditional blood-sugar medicines, there has been a multi-million-dollar supplement market for blood syrup formulas. High blood sugar medications can cause low or high blood pressure, heart rate problems, breathing difficulties, allergic reactions and other potentially harmful side effects. Using blood sugar meds is still usually a net positive for people with serious blood sugar imbalances, particularly if they react relatively well to the drugs.

CeraCare, a natural alternative medicine supplement, is designed to help people manage their high blood glucose without resorting the dangerous solutions offered by traditional medicine. It has several powerful ingredients that will "awaken your feedback loop" which is responsible for maintaining healthy blood glucose levels. You must take blood sugar supplements seriously. The wrong supplement can quickly cause major problems. Today's review will provide all the information that the average consumer needs about Ceracare as well as the company, research behind it.

What is CeraCare exactly?

Cera Care is an oral blood sugar support product that targets to maintain healthy glucose metabolism and cardiovascular health. Conceptualized and executed by trio Christine, Dr. Jihn and medical researcher Michael, CeraCare can naturally improve other areas of health as well, which is what makes it quite intriguing.

This solution is advertised to be ideal for people who have blood sugar levels that are already normal. However, it can also improve severe cases (but not in the same way). Why is this so? The Cera Care formula was finally finalized by the team. They affirm that it meets three important points. Particularly:

It had to work in all cases type 2 diabetes regardless of whether it was diagnosed decades ago, a recent discovery, or of different severity levels.

It was required to deliver results in 180 days

It had to be supported by scientific research

How does Cera Care operate?

CeraCare is dedicated to eliminating the root cause for type 2 diabetes. Cera Care founders affirm that there are more factors to type 2 diabetes than doctors usually suggest. Explicitly, they referenced a recent study conducted by Newcastle University, which led to the findings of a tiny lipid molecule.

Ceracare real review
This lipid molecule, also called ceramide, is responsible for the disruption that it causes in fat cells, as was shared in a presentation. It is particularly believed to "force toxic cells to stream into your body," causing them to deteriorate and impact on the arteries. Why is this so troubling? Well, the pancreas is the organ that produces the insulin hormone.

If the pancreas becomes clogged, it can no longer secrete insulin. In this case, insulin cannot be secreted effectively by the pancreas, which means that cells won't be advised when their fuels are ready and instead end up in the bloodstream. The latter is what allegedly heightened blood sugar readings.

CeraCare flushes out foreign compounds such ceramide to ensure that organs work as they should, and the body runs smoothly. Although weight loss is generally believed to be effective in flushing out such compounds, it might not work in all cases.

What's inside Cera Care Formula?

Cera Care formula was split between a vitamins/minerals mix (totaling 80.876mg/serving), a proprietary mixture (415mg/serving), or other (0.2mg). Quick research was done in order to assess the true effects of these blends on blood sugar. The proprietary blend was first followed by vitamins, minerals and others. Here's what we found:


Guggul is also called Indian bdellium, gugal and Mukul myrrh trees. It is a member of the Burseraceae families. Guggul is popular for its gum resin production. This is the main reason it is used in Vedic Medicine. HealthLine reports that gugal has been reported to have the ability to lower blood sugar and assist with diabetes management. Although there have been a few studies that examined its effects, and they were limited to animals as subjects, it is possible to draw more solid conclusions.

Bitter Melon

The bitter melon, also known as Momordicacharantia and a bitter root, is a type a tropical vine that shares many traits with cucumbers and zucchinis. Because it is known for its anti-diabetic and other properties, this ingredient could have made it. According to a 2013 review, "a wealth of pre-clinical evidence has demonstrated the anti-diabetic, hypoglycaemic properties of M.charantia [...] but clinical trial data are lacking in human subjects and have been hampered by poor study design."

Diabetes.co.uk cites a study from 2011 that claimed bitter melon had a significant effect on blood glucose levels. This piece seems to support the 2013 review which concluded that it is necessary to conduct better-designed clinical trials in order to make valid claims about the bitter melon benefits.


Licorice is the common name for Glycyrrhiza glabra, a flowering plant known for its sweet root and aromatic flavors. One 2011 study on the protective effects of licorice in diabetic neuropathy in male rats found that it could reduce blood sugar levels, restore renal function (a term that indicates how well the kidneys work) and decrease body-weight loss. The team concluded that "licorice may be a potential therapeutic agent for diabetes because of its antioxidant and high-glycemic properties."


Cinnamon is an easy spice to add to any savory or sweet recipe. Many people don't realize the health benefits that cinnamon can bring. The American Diabetes Association (ADA), shared that a study on cinnamon's abilities to improve blood glucose levels, triglyceride levels, total cholesterol, HDL and LDL cholesterols found some improvements. It was also more expensive. The team noticed a decrease in mean quicking serum glucose, LDL and total cholesterol.

These results seem to be consistent in all three doses (3, 3 or 6g). Researchers explained that the maintenance of lower serum glucose suggests "sustained benefits of cinnamon", meaning it doesn't need to be eaten daily. They believe that cinnamon may have some health benefits. However, people cannot draw any conclusions if the dose is less than 1g or more than 6g.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Gymnema Sylvestre is also known as Gurmar. It is found most commonly in Australia, China, Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Africa and Australia. It is very popular in alternative medicine and is an important component of Ayurvedic medicine. HealthLine says this ingredient can lower blood sugar levels, increase insulin release, and reduce sugar absorption from the intestines.

Based on their research, they have found one 2001 study that evaluated the effects of taking Gumarmar for 90 Days. The authors concluded that it could prevent complications from diabetes in the long term. A review also mentioned Gymnema Sylvestre's ability to lower blood sugar and insulin secretion.

These positive results are not conclusive. However, it is worth further research before considering it as an option for treatment. Its safe ingestion has been confirmed for the moment.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic Acid (ALA), which is naturally found in our bodies, is responsible for managing energy production on a cellular basis. As for its role in supporting blood sugar levels, a randomized controlled trial found that administering 300mg of ALA for two months led to a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels, insulin resistance (IR) Homeostasis Model Assessment index, glutathione peroxidase (GH-Px) and PPG levels. The researchers have since concluded that using ALA as an antioxidant is effective for diabetic patients.


Corosolic, a compound found in banana leaf, is thought to have been used for this supplement. This compound is believed to be linked to safe lower blood sugar levels. A 2012 review supports this claim. It states that "standardized Banaba and corolic acid may be very effective as standalone products or in combination of other natural products possessing hypoglycemic and antihyperlipidemic activities.


Juniper is a type blueberry berry with a similar texture to blueberries but slightly larger. It is a nutrient-dense berry that has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and heart-related benefits. As per a relatively outdated study, administering juniper to streptozotocin-diabetic rats for 24 days led to a significant decrease in blood glucose levels and in the mortality index.


Chili peppers are known for their "antiobesity and anticancer effects on animals, humans, and pain- and itching-relieving effects." This is due to the rich supply of capsaicin, which is an active compound in cayenne. Capsaicin and capsiate were found to have the same hypoglycemic effects in rats with type 1 diabetes. This was confirmed by a 2017 study. Additionally, the authors suggested that capsaicin's "spicy" characteristics might be the reason for its ability lower blood glucose.


L-taurine (a type of amino acid) is an aid in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Select studies have shown that L-taurine can make a difference in blood sugar and blood pressure levels. This amino acid can improve blood vessel function in type 1 diabetics, insulin secretion, action, and blood pressure by decreasing epinephrine levels.


Yarrow is a perennial that is found throughout Asia, North America, Europe, and the Middle East. It continues to be a leader in herbal medicine. The existing information suggests that this plant was used in the past to treat minor bleeding and inflammation. Very little was shared by Peace Health in regard to its potential in stabilizing blood sugar levels.

White Mulberry

White mulberry, a tree that can grow up to 20 meters tall, is one example. It is often used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol. A 2007 study examining the combined effects on blood glucose levels of mulberry extract with sucrose revealed that the combination could prevent rises in blood glucose within a time frame of just 120 minutes. The researchers noted that it is safe in Asia. It isn't clear whether this is the case worldwide.

On the other hand, we have a 2019 study that aimed to investigate the therapeutic effects of yarrow in the "metabolic stress-induced after a high-fat diet in mice." The researchers have since concluded that an improvement was witnessed in terms of fasting glucose levels and insulin sensitivity and a decrease in hypercholesterolemia.

The vitamins and minerals found in Cera Care are:

Vitamin C: Lowers blood sugar spikes following meals. It might also offset free radical levels in diabetics.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E may increase insulin action and decrease fasting glucose by targeting oxidative stresses at the cellular level.

Biotin: This may be used as an adjuvant to insulin and can help improve the glycemic control in type 1 diabetics.

Magnesium: Is trusted to reduce insulin resistance and improve glycemic control among patients with type 2 diabetes.

Based on a 4-week study, zinc may have beneficial effects on glycemic control.

Manganese - Acts as an antioxidant, and a metabolic booster. The blood manganese levels in people with type II diabetes may be lower. Therefore, supplementation might be necessary.

Chromium may improve glucose control, insulin sensitivity, or other variables for people with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, or those diagnosed with it.

Peace Health stated that 0.2mg was possible for vanadium to be used in order to improve glucose control in patients with type 2 diabetes. The Cera Care dosage appears to be quite small in relation to the rest of the research (i.e. 100-150mg

Frequently Asked questions (FAQs).

Who does CeraCare support?

Cera Care was designed to support those who have type 2 Diabetes, have difficulty maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, or have experienced related symptoms like excessive cravings for sweets and carbs as well as increased thirst and weight.

What is the impact of age on Cera Care?

No, it turns out that no matter if consumers are 30, 50, 70 or even 80 years of age, CeraCare can support them. The same goes for factors like gender, age and length of time since type 2 was first diagnosed.

How should CeraCare be incorporated from day-to-day?

It has been suggested that one capsule be taken each day, along with a meal, first thing in the AM. Ideal is to have each intake accompanied by a glass full of water.

Is Cera Care generally safe?

CeraCare is considered to be a safe supplement, as it is an all natural solution. CeraCare has been enjoyed by thousands of people every day. There have also been no side effects reported. The manufacturing process was done in the U.S.A in a stateof-the-art FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility. Every capsule is completely vegetarian and non-GMO.

One hundred and fifty-five men and women were randomly assigned to CeraCare for 180 consecutive days. The average age was between 24 and 87 years, with all participants coming from different walks of life (e.g., different levels or advanced cases of type 2 diabetes). In the end, improvements were reported in their blood sugar levels, organs function, and weight management (average weight loss of 22lbs in the first six weeks). In the rare cases of advanced diabetics, there was no improvement in blood sugar levels.

Having said all that, anyone with pre-existing conditions that require medication is advised to seek a professional's opinion prior to giving Cera Care a try. To avoid possible interactions between medications, this is a good idea.

How can you expect to see results from CeraCare?

CeraCare could possibly help to control or reverse type 2 diabetes. CeraCare also ensures that blood pressure and cholesterol levels remain in check. Moreover, this formula might even go as far as improving eyesight and heart health, increasing one's metabolism, curbing cravings, and may elicit a rejuvenating effect.

Is Cera Care covered by a money back guarantee?

Yes, Cera Care has been protected by a 60-day money-back guarantee. Details regarding the refund processes and requests can be retrieved by contacting customer service at [email protected].

What is the cost of CeraCare?

CeraCare is accessible at the following price options:

$169 for 1 CeraCare 30-Day Supply + Free U.S. Shipping

3 CeraCare Bottles (90-Day Supply): $59 Each + Free U.S. Shipping

6 CeraCare Bottles (180-day Supply): $49 Each + Free U.S Shipping

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International orders will be charged $15.95 for shipping. The average delivery time for domestic orders takes between five to seven business days. For international orders, it will take around 10 to 15 days.

Final Verdict

Ultimately, Cera Care is a dietary supplement that regulates blood sugar and other areas of health by eliminating ceramide. This component has been described as the barrier that inhibits insulin secretion. Instead, it forces fat down your bloodstream. Although the theory may be true, the ingredients chosen do not eliminate ceramide from the body. They do have an impact on blood sugar levels. But, Michael, Christine Jihn and Dr. Jihn are not able to provide any information about the supplement's actual function.

Our research shows that there is some evidence regarding the effects of natural ingredients on factors such as fat storage, insulin resistance, obesity, fat burning, and fat storage. However, not all studies are based on animals. Further investigation is needed. Even when there was evidence to support the claims, the ingredients were a bit more concentrated per serving. CeraCare serves only 415mg proprietary blend. This is quite small. It is not possible to believe that even advanced diabetics might notice a difference.

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